anaína Lima

Workshop Brazilian Massage


O que está te impedindo de se destacar e trilhar uma carreira de sucesso?

Vou ajudar você a brilhar no mundo da massagem manual.

Por que se contentar com o comum quando você pode ser uma referência de excelência? Aqui comigo, você não apenas adquire habilidades; você constrói uma reputação.

  • Domine técnicas avançadas com resultados imediatos.
  • Eleve seu atendimento e seja sinônimo de qualidade. 
  • Veja sua agenda lotada e seus ganhos mensais decolarem.

Tudo isso com um atendimento único, humanizado e especializado, com resultados incríveis.

01 - 02 June

Centurion Country Club

Janaína Lima

Take a look at these testimonials from some of my dear pupils.

Olga Cheboksarova

Ntswaki manaka

Charlotte Mwandla-Spautz

Melani Arrue

O que estão falando sobre o worhshop

Safiyya Kara

Thanks to Janaina I’ve mastered the Brazilian lymphatic drainage technique, and it’s completely transformed my approach to wellness. Learning from her expertise has been invaluable, and now I’m seeing incredible results with my clients. I couldn’t be more grateful for the positive impact it’s had on my life as well as my practice.

Safiyya Kara

Thanks to Janaina I’ve mastered the Brazilian lymphatic drainage technique, and it’s completely transformed my approach to wellness. Learning from her expertise has been invaluable, and now I’m seeing incredible results with my clients. I couldn’t be more grateful for the positive impact it’s had on my life as well as my practice.

What is the Janaina Lima Method Workshop ?

First, let me tell you what this Workshop IS NOT!

The JANAINA LIMA METHOD Workshop is NOT a basic massage workshop that you can easily find, offering dozens of advantages and techniques but lacking depth in delivery.

The JANAINA LIMA METHOD Workshop is NOT the one that teaches methods neglecting the physical well-being of the patient in favor of aesthetic results. Humanization is the most precious value of this training.

The JANAINA LIMA METHOD Workshop is NOT the one you buy, receive a handful of basic information, and do not have a prepared professional to address your doubts or share experiences.

Who is this Workshop for?

For women who work in this area of business and want to update themselves and differentiate themselves to earn more.

For women who are starting from scratch and would like a profession that provides financial independence. 

For aesthetic and health professionals who want to improve themselves and learn a method that will take their profession to another level.

For women who would like to make a career transition, and want to reinvent themselves, with expressive results.

What will my workshop day be like?

First day

Lymphatic Drenagem

The lymphatic drainage by Janaína Lima takes into consideration the knowledge of the lymphatic system, the physiology of the human body, and primarily the well-being of her client, thus performing a personalized and painless massage. The reinterpretation of the technique includes pumping, gliding, pressure, and rhythm quite distinct from conventional lymphatic drainage.

Theoretical Class

It all begins with the presentation of the future certified therapists in the Janaína Lima method. I want to get to know each one of you because we are going to be one big family. After we start the incredible discoveries of the human body, we will present the principles of human anatomy and physiology. Then, we will dive deep into the fantastic world of the lymphatic system, discovering the GPS of massage and its wonderful benefits. Next, we will move on to the practical demonstration of the method live on a model. You will have access to explanations and maneuvers detailedly performed by me. You will receive handouts, notebooks for notes, among other materials, where you will record everything to be used in class and for reference after the training.

Practical Class

Under my careful monitoring, the students pair up to perform the maneuvers. All doubts regarding pressure, positioning, among others, are eliminated at this moment as I correct them according to the need. The goal is for everyone to understand the technique in detail from both the therapist’s perspective and the client’s perception.

Assessment - Test

The assessment of the technique is done continuously during the practical class because I am by your side correcting the maneuvers in real-time and in full so that all students achieve a standard of quality and excellence in the method. Finally, our therapists will be ready to embark on a journey as certified therapists in the Janaína Lima method.

Second day

5 Star massage

An exclusive method that I developed. It utilizes five techniques from different methods to enhance its results: draining, reducing measurements, relaxing, relieving pain, and improving intestinal function; providing immediate results, all in the first session.

Immediate results? What do you mean?

Let me explain! The results are:

Aesthetics: Those shocking before and after photos! 

Intestine: A properly functioning intestine! You’ll receive messages like ‘thank you, my bowel movements improved after the JANAINA LIMA METHOD’. 

Swelling: Your client will report feeling lighter, urinating more frequently. 

Mind: She will tell you she’s sleeping better, feeling less stressed, and experiencing less pain

Theoretical Class

Includes presentation of the muscular system, where I will show you the main muscles, the directions of muscle fibers, and how we can stimulate these muscles to achieve incredible results while also relaxing your client. We will discuss indications and contraindications, and how you will conduct a thorough anamnesis to understand your client’s body.

On the first day, we will have a demonstration and explanation of the maneuvers presented live on a model. An individual workbook provides didactic content for the workshop and is used for learning and reference during and after the workshop.

Practical Class

On the first day, the students pair up to perform the maneuvers. Under my careful monitoring, all doubts regarding pressure, positioning, among others, are eliminated at this moment as I correct them according to the need. The goal is for everyone to understand the technique in detail from both the therapist’s perspective and the client’s perception.

Assessment - Test

The evaluation of the technique is conducted continuously during the practical class. After all, I am by your side, correcting the maneuvers in real-time and comprehensively so that all students achieve a standard of quality and excellence in the method. In the end, our therapists will be ready to embark on a journey as certified therapists in the Janaína Lima method.

Quem Sou!

É importante que você saiba como surgiu o Método Janaína Lima. Vou te contar um pouco da minha história e como cheguei até aqui.
Sou Janaína Lima formada em administração e tenho MBA em Finanças. Trabalhava como gerente financeira no Brasil e tudo estava bem. Mas em 2015, meu marido recebeu uma proposta de trabalho na África do Sul, e foi aí que tudo começou, embora eu ainda não soubesse.
Quando cheguei, me apaixonei pela África do Sul, mas depois de alguns meses, comecei a sentir falta do meu trabalho e de me sentir útil. Me vi cuidando apenas da casa, o que não era algo ruim, mas não era o que eu estava acostumada. Queria mais em minha vida.
Então, em 2017, comecei a me especializar em extensão de cílios e, ao atender minhas clientes, percebi que muitas também queriam massagem manual. Decidi buscar conhecimento nessa área no Brasil e me apaixonei pela profissão.
Em 2018, fundei a BeautyBrazil.SA e mergulhei no mundo da massagem manual. Fiz diversos cursos para aprender novas técnicas e habilidades, investindo muito em conhecimento. Insatisfeita, decidi iniciar a faculdade de fisioterapia.
Como estudante de fisioterapia, me apaixonei novamente, agora pelo corpo humano. Com o tempo, comecei a combinar meus conhecimentos sobre o corpo humano com minhas técnicas de massagem, vendo resultados incríveis em minhas clientes. Descobri que tinha algo poderoso em minhas mãos, um método de massagem único, diferente de tudo que já vi. Organizei meus conhecimentos e desenvolvi o Método Janaína Lima e o workshop de massagem brasileira.

Still unsure and in doubt?

The opportunity to become a well recognized and paid professional is just a click away.

In order for this to happen, however, you need to make a decision and act accordingly.

It’s okay if you don’t act, if you don’t make the decision to learn a Brazilian massage method that really provides expressive results.

But you know that in life everything has a price and maybe by not acting you might be missing the opportunity to change your way of doing massage or even starting a new profession from scratch. Knowing the JANAINA LIMA MASSAGE METHOD: a Brazilian method built by Janaina during her trajectory, with intense study and dedication to bring you a method tested on many clients that really brings amazing results. A method that can take you to another level in the universe of manual massage.  That can make you a professional who is recognized for delivering results, a professional with a waiting line, a professional who is not concerned in fighting over clients and prices- a professional who charges a fair price for the results she delivers. In short, a professional who stands out and has financial independence working with massage.

FAQ - Perguntas frequentes

Janaína Lima Method

+27 76 658 6803 / beautybrazil.sa@gmail.com


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